Speaking + Media

Interested in having Kristen speak at your event? Would you like to feature her on your show, podcast or blog?

Sample Speaking Topics:

  • Sleep - Why it matters more than ever

  • Recovering from burnout and navigating workplace challenges

  • Transforming trauma through sound healing

  • Using sound currents to manage pain

  • Practical techniques to proactively manage your own energy

 Featured Media


Kristen is unabashedly herself – a strategic thought leader and a spiritual healer. Kristen doesn’t relegate herself to a “work” persona and save her particularly awesome brand of woo woo for nights and weekends. She dares to blend these two worlds in an often-unforgiving corporate landscape. And, she’s getting some amazing results.

Sound healing can “hack” your brain to bring about physical and emotional shifts. I’ve been to her healing room – (it is something to behold) to bring calm to frayed nerves, sleep to the insomniac and balance to the out-of-kilter.

- Anne Robie

About Kristen Firpo

Kristen Firpo is both a Holistic Practitioner and an International Innovation Consultant to Fortune 100 companies. In both her consulting and holistic healing work, she balances uncertainty with possibility. She integrates corporate challenges and spiritual practices with real world pragmatism using alternative healing modalities, including sound healing. Her clients walk away with useful tools they can use to change their life.