
My goal is to help you, help yourself. So, whether you are seeking more joy, a deeper spiritual connection, less stress or are looking to alleviate physical and emotional wounds, there is likely a self-healing tool for you. Below is a wealth of information for you to work with.



  • Holistic Healing is a method that involves assessing all areas of your life and getting to the root cause of the imbalances and distractions that push you off center. Once revealed, these can be removed, then we can create a new system. This new system allows you to live from your ‘flow state’ — where things happen with greater clarity, focus and ease. The overall goal is to learn to live your life by design, not default.

  • Holistic healing aims to identify the root cause, or causes, of an imbalance (whether it is physical pain, stress, poor sleep, etc.). As a result, we will address the source of the issue, with the goal of not having it return. Kristen’s goal is for you to feel completely considered and cared for, a benefit often missing from many modern medicine practices.

  • Sound Healing works from the belief system that everything in the Universe is energy and vibration.

    It’s important to understand that when we are working with sound, we are working with energy … the transmission and distribution of energy. When this energy, in the form of vibration, encounters our nervous system, emotions become activated. With intention and focus, we can direct that energy to the emotions we want to activate. Therefore, we can choose what state of consciousness we want to be in: e.g. creativity, relaxation, focus, highly active, etc.

    Sound Healing is a practice that uses vibrations (vocal or instrumental-like gongs, Tibetan/Crystal singing bowls and tuning forks) in order to relax your mind and body.

    You can expect to feel very calm after a session, with a profound sense of well-being. Often issues which may have appeared dramatic or urgent no longer carry as much weight as before. The result is a general feeling of clarity, focus and peace.

    Sound Healing has been known to relieve certain ailments, including anxiety and insomnia. It works by lowering blood pressure, slowing down brain waves, improving circulation and reducing respiratory rates. It has been known to help treat such conditions as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, sleep disorders, pain and autism.

    It’s like an epic massage for every cell in your body!

  • Sound Healing isn't a new type of therapy or modality. Sound has been used by Indigenous Communities around the world for centuries in healing, ceremonies and rituals.

    Using the human voice and musical instruments that resonate to stimulate healing, Sound Healing uses the vibrations that come from sound to shift energy in the body; specifically to shift from a place of imbalance to a place of balance.

    Sound Healing (often referred to as Sound Therapy) is one of a growing number of subtle-energy therapies that make up the field of vibrational medicine. According to the law of physics, everything vibrates: the chair you are sitting in, the food you eat, all of nature around you like rocks and trees.

    In 1953 it was scientifically proven by Professor W.O Schumann from the University of Munich, that the earth does in fact pulsate vibrational frequencies.​

    These vibrational frequencies have been gradually becoming higher and higher. Professor W.O Schumann's first recorded frequency was 7.83Hz in 1953, and recently the recording has been as high as 16.5 Hz.

  • Sound can facilitate shifts in our brainwaves by synchronizes frequencies. The sound creates a frequency that the brainwave can attune to.

    Combinations of rhythms and frequencies make it is possible to shift from our normal beta state (alert, waking, concentrating, reacting) to alpha (creative, relaxed), and even theta (meditative state) and delta (deep sleep; where restoring and healing can occur).





More daily rituals can be found on my Youtube channel.